Street Tree Inventory Software

Why is it important to use a street inventory software? How can data help with your inventory? Street tree inventory can be time consuming, what if this task could be done easily? Natural Solutions has the key for your urban tree inventory.

Why do a Street Tree Inventory in Your City?

Street tree inventory software

Conducting an urban tree inventory is essential for enhancing urban tree management. This undertaking is crucial as it helps mitigate potential risks associated with trees and fosters an understanding of citizens' urban nature needs. However, conducting such an inventory can be time-consuming and costly. That's why Natural Solutions has developed a tree inventory software, aimed at simplifying the lives of managers.

For What Purpose of an Urban Tree Inventory?

Tree inventory in the city: learn more about your territory

Tree inventory allows green space managers to take stock of existing trees in the city. It provides insights into certain characteristics of urban trees, such as the diversity of species present in cities. These informations are important for communicating with elected officials and citizens and thus better plan future developments.

There are three types of inventories: qualitative inventory, quantitative inventory, and finally, inventories that are both qualitative and quantitative.

The quantitative inventory: this method provides general information about your tree inventory. This inventory allows you to reference information such as:

-        Localisation (latitude, longitude, adress)

-        Dimensions (height, dbh)

  The qualitative inventory: this inventory also takes into account some informations such as:

-        Genera

-        Species

-        Varieties

-        Common names

-        Maintenance history

-        Replanting

-        Health

- Crown shape

-        Details about the tree’s surrounding (urban furniture, infrastructure above and below ground,…)

Urban tree inventory: towards better management

The results obtained from inventories serve various purposes. Managers can utilize these inventories for overall asset management, security monitoring, knowledge inventory, and maintenance planning. They can also achieve more specific goals, such as selecting species or diversifying species.

Urban Tree Inventory and Technologies

The use of digital tools is becoming increasingly crucial across all sectors, and managing urban nature is no exception to this trend. Paper and pen, once the preferred tools for inventory management, are gradually being replaced by innovative instruments. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), applications, and data management software have all been tailored to streamline the lengthy and arduous task of collecting data on urban trees.

Computerized urban tree databases offer individual tracking for each tree. Through mapping, managers can observe tree attributes aligned with management objectives. This personalized monitoring allows managers to link a tree's health status with environmental data, facilitating tailored interventions. Additionally, soil mapping enables easy identification of suitable areas for new plantings or areas to avoid. The capabilities provided by such software and applications are truly remarkable.

These technologies present new management perspectives. To assist urban managers, Natural Solutions collaborated on the development of Ecoteka, an innovative software designed for conducting urban tree inventories.

Ecoteka: Innovative Street Tree Inventory Software 

Given the urgency of environmental challenges, it's crucial to propose technological solutions to effectively implement a genuine urban revegetation strategy. Our EcoTeka platform integrates cutting-edge technology to streamline your inventory processes and enhance the management of urban trees.

Natural Solutions is collaborating on the development of the Ecoteka application, which enables urban tree inventorying. This solution is Open Source and contributes to enriching Open Data resources on urban trees. To achieve this, it utilizes a data schema developed in collaboration with tree and open data professionals.

Ecoteka, the ideal software for managing your urban tree inventory.

The Ecoteka project began in 2020, and the team is currently focused on conducting a tree-by-tree inventory, with plans to deploy it soon.

With Ecoteka's web tool, you can now:

  • Import georeferenced data to create a map of your urban tree inventory

  • Add new trees and input relevant data following the urban tree data schema

  • Maintain a history of actions taken on individual trees and get an overview of future interventions

  • Access an annual dashboard tracking tree planting and cost management, among other metrics

Who can benefit from Ecoteka?

Ecoteka is a versatile solution tailored for all stakeholders involved in tree management. Whether you're from a municipality, city, national park, landscaping company, or are a treekeeper, Ecoteka is designed to meet your needs.

Interested in learning more about Ecoteka? Simply fill out the form below, and our project manager will reach out to you shortly.

Let’s talk about your project. Get in touch!


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