monitoring species and ecosystems restauration
A healthy urban ecosystem is a crucial element for healthier citizens, but it can difficult for green-space managers to manage. Fortunately our technologies are here to help.
Get knowledge.
More and more citizens feel the need to have nature in their lives in order to feel good. It is now well known that a healthy urban ecosystem is a crucial element for healthier citizens, better air quality, and water quality.
Good management of urban spaces inevitably requires good knowledge of the trees present in the territory. This knowledge is now within the reach of all stakeholders thanks to our technologies for urban tree inventories.
Our main product : ecoTeka
Nature based solutions
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are innovative strategies that use nature to tackle environmental challenges and benefit communities. They involve working with ecosystems to enhance resilience and promote sustainable development, such as restoring wetlands for flood mitigation or planting trees to combat climate change. NbS offer cost-effective and sustainable ways to address pressing environmental issues while benefiting human well-being.
Manage your urban forest.
With ecoTeka - an Open-Source platform for tree management - we leverage the power of OpenStreetMap, Mappilary, and Open Data to allow decision makers to improve their urban forestry practices.
To have the most comprehensive ecosystem data we use sources from satellite imagery (and plan to integrate LIDAR imaging) and analyse them with machine learning techniques. To improve the interoperability of the system we are teamed with the French government to build an open standard for tree data (data.gouv.fr). Finally, we plan to include ecosystem services calculations to inform the planning of decisions on urban ecosystems.
To imagine greener cities for tomorrow,
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