GeoNature Atlas

Publish your biodiversity atlas

An atlas aim to make known the natural heritage of your municipality, protect the fauna and flora, follow its evolution...

Atlas are mainly used by natural areas actors, regions, communities, associations and enthusiasts of biodiversity

Share your ecologists observations with GeoNature Atlas

GeoNature-atlas is an opensource and generic tool that allows you to publish a dynamic online atlas, by connecting to your Fauna and Flora observation database. This tool makes it possible to enhance biodiversity data at the scale of your territory (municipality, department, region, nature reserve, natural park)

Added to the GeoNature environment, GeoNature-atlas is a tool that allows the visualization and enhancement of Fauna and Flora observation data in order to share and enhance your knowledge. The form is a web platform under free license and for educational purposes, GeoNature-atlas makes it possible to display the data entered under GeoNature in real time as well as to have information on the species concerned such as the areas of distribution, the distribution altitudinal or even the period of presence.

With GeoNature-atlas you can choose and limit your broadcasts, enhance your resources on species through photos, videos and audios, integrate data from your partners, manage synonymy and descriptions, benefit from precise statistics, filter your observations by species, commune, taxonomic rank…

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