EcoSecrets: The tool for autonomous sensor monitoring!

EcoSecrets is an open-source web application designed for natural environment monitoring using autonomous sensors, such as camera traps. Initiated and developed by Natural Solutions, it allows for providing detailed descriptions of the various aspects of monitoring studies, and it facilitates the processing of associated data.

What does EcoSecrets do?

EcoSecrets is an evolving tool with features being developed progressively based on user and community demand. In its current version, the application focuses on the management and characterization of collected data.

It enables:

  • Project management: Defining the study context.

  • Study site management: Geographical characterization of the study.

  • Device management: Technical information on the tools used in the field and their availability.

  • Deployment management: Spatial and temporal limits of data acquisition.

  • Media management: Importing data collected in the field.

  • Media processing: Adding manual annotations to raw data according to INPN standards (National Inventory of Natural Heritage, France).

Where to test it?

A demonstration instance is available here to get an overview of the application's functionality. All features of the application can be tested.
As the demonstration is accessible without authentication, imported data is public and viewable by all testers. No sensitive or private content should be used during testing.

Open source and services

Being open-source, the EcoSecrets code is freely accessible. It can be found on the project's GitHub repository.
Natural Solutions offers various services:

  • Installation: Setting up the application on a server.

  • Feature development: Enhancing the application by expanding its capabilities.

  • Maintenance: Providing fixes to existing features.

By nature, EcoSecrets is a collaborative project whose future developments will benefit the entire community of automated natural environment monitoring.
All actors in this community are encouraged to participate together in its development, particularly by jointly funding the implementation of new features.


The project is managed by:

  • Mathilde Leclerc, agronomist engineer and digital project manager;

  • Ophélie Da Silva, engineer specializing in data analysis and visualization.