Open-Source Camera Software for Biodiversity Monitoring

Here are some notable open-source camera software options for biodiversity monitoring:

1. Insect Detect: This is a DIY camera trap system designed for automated insect monitoring. It is suitable for non-professionals and citizen scientists, providing an affordable and accessible platform. The system is capable of detecting and classifying insects using AI models, and it supports autonomous deployment with solar power. The software includes detailed setup instructions and can be customized for different monitoring needs (Insect detect: An open-source DIY camera trap for automated insect monitoring)

2. Pytorch-Wildlife: Developed by Microsoft, this AI framework enhances biodiversity monitoring by automating the analysis of camera trap data. It utilizes convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for animal detection and classification. The framework is modular, scalable, and user-friendly, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users. Pytorch-Wildlife supports various conservation projects and includes a model zoo with pre-trained models for different ecosystems (Microsoft Introduces Pytorch-Wildlife Open Source AI Model for Biodiversity Monitoring - WinBuzzer).

3. Wildlife Insights: This platform uses AI to streamline the processing of camera trap data, significantly reducing the time required to convert images into usable biodiversity insights. Users can upload data to the platform, which then applies AI models to classify species in the images. Wildlife Insights aims to make biodiversity data more accessible and actionable for conservation efforts (About Wildlife Insights AI | Wildlife Insights).

4. CTAP (Camera Trap Analysis Package): Developed by the Zoological Society of London, CTAP is designed for managing and analyzing large volumes of camera trap data. It provides standardized outputs for monitoring wildlife species and communities, helping researchers to efficiently process and interpret data from camera traps deployed in the field (Camera trap software | ZSL).

5. SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool): This comprehensive suite of tools helps conservationists collect, analyze, and report on wildlife and habitat data. SMART supports a wide range of activities, including biodiversity conservation, law enforcement, and natural resource management. The platform is open-source, customizable, and suitable for various environments and monitoring needs (SMART Conservation Software - Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (

ecoSecrets: Open-Source Management of Photographic Trap Data

ecoSecrets is an open-source web application developed by Natural Solutions for managing and processing data from photographic traps. It aims to improve biodiversity monitoring by enabling continuous, non-invasive data collection in various habitats. The software supports the management of sites, deployments, and conditions of use for photographic traps, facilitating standardized and homogeneous data annotation. ecoSecrets is designed to handle large volumes of diverse data types, including photos and videos, and encourages community participation in its development.

For more details, visit EcoSecrets — Natural solutions (


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EcoSecrets: The Open-Source Tool for Managing Camera Trapping Data